Exhaust removal systems with quick release for safe and effective extraction of fumes and gases

Fire and Emergency Stations

Diesel exhaust, found in every fire or emergency station, is produced when an engine burns diesel fuel. It is a complex mixture of thousands of gases and particles (soot) containing several toxic air contaminants. These include many known or suspected carcinogenic substances (benzene, arsenic and formaldehyde). It also contains other harmful pollutants, including nitrogen oxides. In the long term, repeated exposure is as dangerous as being subject to cigarette smoke. The exhaust spreads into the areas where firemen eat, sleep and reside. It even penetrates the clothes. Studies have shown cancer rates among firemen are exceptionally high. Our vehicle exhaust systems can help reduce this rate.

Fire trucks, ambulances and other emergency vehicles must always be ready to leave the emergency station instantly. Therefore Nederman’s vehicle exhaust removal systems with quick release are the optimum choice for your emergency station. The exhaust extraction systems enable quick exit from the emergency station and contribute to safe and effective extraction of exhaust fumes and gases.

Nederman exhaust system for fire and emergency stations

No one better than Nederman can create the most optimal solution for sound, safe and ergonomic Fire and Emergency Stations. From a single source of supply you get the most comprehensive solutions fulfilling the latest standards and leading technologies. We help you all the way – from planning, design and commissioning to maintenance and service support. More than 60 years of experience and well over 100,000 installations in emergency stations make us second to none.

Exhaust extraction directly at the tail pipe.

MagnaRail Green

High quality low maintenance exhaust removal system

MagnaRail Green is a high capacity system designed to handle high operation requirements. Up to two vehicles can be attached to the same rail for a drive through or back in application for vehicles with low level tail pipes. The suction rail is formed in a configuration such that the extrusion serves not only as an exhaust duct, but also as the guide rail that the extraction trolley travels in. The rail is available up to 99 ft.


Exhaust extraction system for emergency stations with highest operational requirements

MagnaRail is a high capacity system designed to handle highest operational requirements. Up to four vehicles can be attached to the same rail each with a designated disconnection point. For a drive through application for vehicles with either high level or low level tail pipes. The suction rail is formed in a configuration such that the extrusion serves not only as an exhaust duct, but also as the guide rail that the extraction trolley travels in. The rail is available in up to 30 m. The fan/duct work can be connected to the rail via either a end outlet or one/several top outlets (depending on length of rail).


Exhaust extraction system for emergency vehicles with vertical stacks

MagnaStack is a fully automatic exhaust extraction system. The extraction unit designed as a hood enclosure automatically connects with the vertical exhaust stack as the vehicle is backed in to the parking bay. Guide arms position the laterally adjustable hood to the stack. The stack is locked to the hood with an electro-magnet. As the vehicle moves towards the exit, the horizontal hose and extraction hood follow smoothly along the guide track. At the doorway the electric power is automatically switched off, instantly releasing the electro-magnet and the exhaust stack from the hood.


Exhaust extraction system for emergency stations with high frequency /high speed runs

The MagnaTrack HS is designed to serve emergency stations with a high frequency of runs. The track system serves one vehicle at a time. The balancer has a constant liftning power. MagnaTrack HS is available in lengths from 3.5 m to 18 m; (10 ft to 60 ft) and it fits vehicles with low as well as high mounted exhaust pipes.


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